Database adapters

  1. Available adapters
    1. MemoryDB
    2. ShareDBMongo
    3. ShareDBMingoMemory
    4. ShareDBPostgres
  2. Usage

The database adapter is responsible for persisting document contents and ops.

Available adapters


ShareDB ships with an in-memory, non-persistent database. This is useful for testing. It has no query support.

MemoryDB does not persist its data between app restarts, and is not suitable for use in a Production environment.


sharedb-mongo is backed by MongoDB, with full query support.


sharedb-mingo-memory is an in-memory database that implements a subset of Mongo operations, including queries. This can be useful for testing against a MongoDB-like ShareDB instance.


sharedb-postgres is backed by PostgreSQL, and has no query support.


An instance of a database adapter should be provided to the Backend() constructor’s db option:

const backend = new Backend({
  db: new MemoryDB(),